Broad Bandpass FiltersSpectral measurements
Spectral curve at room temperature and normal incidence angle is supplied with each filter type.
Description: BBP-HP1-HP2 in nanometers (HP 50 % of Tpeak)
(Ex BBP-0555-0695c nm, c stands for that the filter is classified after Cuton and Cutoff 5 %, instead of HP1 and HP2 50 % as normal)
General Specifications
Diameter: 25.4 mm +0/-0.2 mm. Custom sizing
Thickness: Specified in the filter list below (mm), tol ±0.2 mm
Blocking: Avg < 0.1 % UV to block high
Slope: < 5 %Description Substrate Thk HP1 50 %
+/- tolHP2 50 %
+/- tolTransm
> %Block high BBP-0910-1170c nm Glass .50 30,00 30,00 70,00 2000,00 BBP-1500-1900 nm Glass .50 75,00 75,00 75,00 3500,00 BBP-1500-4200 nm Silicon 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 6500,00 BBP-1530-1730 nm Glass .50 50,00 50,00 55,00 2500,00 BBP-1615-2280 nm Silicon .50 50,00 50,00 70,00 3500,00 BBP-1800-2200 nm Glass .50 50,00 50,00 65,00 3500,00 BBP-2050-2600 nm Glass .50 100,00 100,00 80,00 3500,00 BBP-2200-2600 nm Glass .50 50,00 50,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-2850-3850 nm Sapphire .50 75,00 75,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-2900-3810 nm Quartz .50 75,00 75,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-2960-3260 nm Quartz 1.00 75,00 75,00 70,00 5500,00 BBP-3040-4500 nm Sapphire .50 50,00 50,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-3190-3840c nm Quartz 1.00 75,00 75,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-3300-3750 nm Quartz .55 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-3370-4075 nm Sapphire 1.00 50,00 50,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-3400-4000 nm Silicon .55 100,00 100,00 70,00 18000,00 BBP-3440-4075 nm Sapphire 1.00 50,00 50,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-3485-5200c nm Ge 1.00 100,00 125,00 80,00 6000,00 BBP-3500-5000 nm Silicon .50 100,00 100,00 70,00 10500,00 BBP-3550-5150 nm Ge 1.00 100,00 125,00 80,00 10500,00 BBP-3670-4020 nm Sapphire 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-3700-4200 nm Sapphire 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-3725-4245 nm Sapphire 1.00 75,00 85,00 70,00 6000,00 BBP-3800-5050 nm Ge .50 150,00 150,00 80,00 7500,00 BBP-4000-5000 nm Sapphire 1.00 100,00 150,00 80,00 30000,00 BBP-4150-4620 nm Sapphire .50 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-4170-4790 nm Sapphire 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-4205-5015c nm Sapphire 1.00 70,00 70,00 70,00 6000,00 BBP-4400-4900 nm Silicon .50 150,00 150,00 70,00 5500,00 BBP-5020-5570c nm Sapphire .50 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-5020-5706 nm Sapphire .50 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-5025-5700c nm Sapphire .50 75,00 75,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-5030-5730c nm Sapphire .50 75,00 75,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-5040-5595c nm Ge 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-5040-5715c nm Sapphire .50 75,00 75,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-5050-5675c nm Sapphire .50 100,00 100,00 70,00 30000,00 BBP-5120-5765c nm Ge 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 8500,00 BBP-5500-6000 nm Silicon 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 14000,00 BBP-7000-8750c nm Ge 1.00 200,00 200,00 80,00 12000,00 BBP-7795-10680 nm Ge 1.00 200,00 200,00 70,00 15000,00 BBP-7950-9300 nm Ge 1.00 150,00 150,00 60,00 20000,00 BBP-8075-9400 nm Ge 1.00 150,00 150,00 70,00 20000,00 BBP-8075-9400 nm Ge 1.00 150,00 150,00 70,00 20000,00 BBP-8170-10695c nm Ge 1.00 200,00 200,00 70,00 15000,00 BBP-8235-10750c nm Ge 1.00 250,00 250,00 70,00 15000,00 BBP-8250-8760 nm Ge 1.00 50,00 50,00 70,00 12000,00 BBP-8500-15800 nm Ge .50 350,00 350,00 70,00 23000,00 BBP-8900-13250 nm ZnS 1.40 150,00 150,00 70,00 20000,00 BBP-8925-9275 nm Ge 1.00 150,00 150,00 70,00 12000,00 BBP-9040-9360 nm Ge 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 12000,00 BBP-9100-9455 nm Ge 1.00 100,00 100,00 70,00 12000,00 BBP-10000-11230 nm Silicon .50 250,00 250,00 70,00 20000,00 BBP-10300-12500 nm Ge 1.00 250,00 250,00 70,00 15000,00